Uses and Benefits
Worms Out
Worms Out helps to rid the body of a large variety of worms and flukes

Helping to alleviate:
- Irritability and mood swings.
- Chronic, recurring or acute infections.
- Mild to chronic fatigue.
- Grinding of teeth.
- Rectal Itching.
This herbal remedy contains:
- Wilde Als (Artemesia afra)
- Black Walnut Hull
- Wormwood
- Clove
- Centaury
Traditional uses of these herbs, in the treatment of:
- Itching anus.
- Grinding teeth at night.
- Recurring cough just before or after full moon.
- Emaciation.
- Dark discoloration under the eyes.
- Anaemia.
- Cysts, tumours and cancer.
- Grain-sized white cysts inside the lips.
- Infestation of worms or flukes
- Loss of appetite – or excessive appetite.
- Abdominal cramps.
- Bloody sputum.
- Itchy skin eruptions.
- Constipation or diarrhea.
- Numbness or tingling of extremities.
- Prostrate problems.
- Menstrual irregularities and discomfort.
- Abdominal bloating, gassiness and discomfort.
- Joint and muscle soreness or swelling.
- Dizziness or fuzzy-headedness.
- Poor concentration, memory and willpower… even chronic depression.
- Hypersensitivities to foods and smells.
These herbs promote the following mental-emotional patterns:
- No longer being defeatist or negative in outlook.
- Not being over-defensive.
- Greater immunity to attack or criticism.
- Taking things less personally.
- Knowing what you want.
- Able to say “no”, when necessary.
- Developing a healthier self-esteem.
- Freeing yourself from parasitic relationships.
- Establishing healthier boundaries in relationships.
- No longer pretending to agree with others when you don’t.
- No longer responsible for the moods, opinions and behaviour of others.
- Not afraid to air your views and opinions.
- Standing up for your truth despite criticism or disagreement.
- No longer feeling taken for granted.
- Not compromising on your truth.
- Increased courage and a greater sense of purpose.
Ideal energetic properties
- Bitter. Slightly pungent. Slightly astringent.
- Stimulating. Decongesting. Restoring.
The above mentioned blend of herbs is available in a very specific ratio, together with an additional combination of herbs that enhance its digestion, absorption and energetic properties.