Uses and Benefits
Kidneys Clear
Clear kidney stones, crystals and infection

- Harmonize urination and tone the urinary system.
- Promote urination and remove fluid congestion.
- Dissolve deposits, stones and cysts.
- Clear infection and relieve pain.
- Stop discharge and bleeding.
- Restore the kidneys.
This herbal remedy contains:
- Bergseldery (Peucedanum galbanum)
- Berberis
- Cleavers
- Golden Rod
- Holy Thistle
- Horsetail
- Hydrangea root
- Uva Ursi
- Nettle
Traditional uses of these herbs, in resolving:
- Kidney stones.
- Sore legs, knees or lower back.
- Frequent or urgent urination.
- Lower back pain, radiating to umbilicus.
- Irritable, painful or burning urination.
- Difficult, scanty or dripping urination.
- Need to urinate at night.
- Muddy, dark or cloudy urine.
- Strong or foul smelling urine.
- Fatigue.
- Weakness
- Irritability.
- Skin rashes or eruptions.
These herbs promote the following mental-emotional patterns:
- Releasing and healing of disappointment and betrayal from past relationships.
- Becoming aware of where and how we project our stuff onto others.
- Letting go of unacknowledged fear and negativity.
- Becoming aware of our shadow aspect.
- Releasing and finding the correct expression for pent-up psychological pressures.
- Having the courage to take that leap into the unknown.
- Finding harmony within relationships.
- Strengthening the willpower.
Ideal energetic properties
- Astringent. Bitter. Slightly sweet.
- Stimulating. Decongesting. Softening. Restoring.
The above mentioned blend of herbs is available in a very specific ratio, together with an additional combination of herbs that enhance its digestion, absorption and energetic properties.