Uses and Benefits
Clear Arteries
Help clear blocked arteries and improve circulation
- To dissolve arterial deposits such as arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.
- Improve tone and flexibility of arteries and capillaries.
- Increase heart energy and restore blood supply to the heart..
- Restore skeletal and connective tissue.
- Improve general circulation.
This herbal remedy contains:
- Cleavers
- Hawthorn Berries
- Horsetail
- Lily of the Valley
- Mistletoe
- Astragalus
- Alfalfa
- Yellow Gentian
Traditional uses of these herbs, in treating:
- Poor memory.
- Fatigue.
- Wheezing, or shortness of breath.
- Slow healing of skin wounds.
- Chest pains radiating down left inner arm.
- Stiff, sore joints and/or aching muscles.
- Stones, or “gravel”, in kidneys, bladder or gall bladder.
- Muscle and bone deterioration (e.g. Osteoporosis).
- Angina, high blood pressure or strokes.
- Water retention.
- High blood cholesterol, triglycerides or blood clots.
These herbs promote the following mental-emotional patterns:
- Releasing old, hardened attitudes and thought-patterns.
- Getting in touch with your feelings.
- Becoming less fixed or set in your ways.
- Releasing self-dislike and criticism.
- Showing and feeling your love.
- Allowing yourself to experience a wider, less critical world-view.
- Feeling increasingly free and unbound.
- Becoming more flexible.
- Feeling less driven and aggressive. Becoming less arrogant, stubborn or opinionated..
- Not feeling so bound by your environment.
Ideal Energetic Properties
- Slightly bitter. Slightly astringent.
- Slightly salty. Slightly sweet. Slightly pungent
- Softening. Dissolving. Nourishing.
The above mentioned blend of herbs is available in a very specific ratio, together with an additional combination of herbs that enhance its digestion, absorption and energetic properties.