Breathe Easy
R145,50 – R494,20
Ingredients: Black Cohosh, Blue-flowered Sage, Celandine, Mullein, Rue, Rosemary, Schisandra, Thyme and Wilde Als. Plus a version of the Absorb-upTM Formula - a herbal blend individually formulated to assist the absorption, enhance the direction and magnify the energetics of this remedy.
Treatment for: Relieve shortness of breath and a tight chest. Prevent and treat asthma. Strengthen and restore the lungs. Relieve coughing and wheezing. Reduce inflammation and infection of the lungs.
Delivery to South Africa Nationwide.
Uses and Benefits
Difficulty with breathing. Severe wheezing or tight chest. Allergic or spasmodic asthma. Emphysema. Resolving mucous and damp. Opening the sinuses. Relieving post nasal drip and preventing snoring. Stopping discharge. Improving digestion, mental focus and energy levels.
ENERGETIC PROPERTIES: NEUTRAL TO WARM. DRY. Slightly pungent. Slightly bitter. Decongesting. Stimulating. Dispersing.
DOSAGE: This is based on your body mass (weight) and severity of symptoms, as follows:
Mass: Dose:
Over 80 Kg – take 4 – 6 cap.’s or 100 drops of tincture, 2 x daily, 30 min. before meals.
60 – 80 Kg – take 3 – 4 cap.’s or 90 drops of tincture, 2 x daily, 30 min. before meals.
44 – 60 Kg – take 2 – 3 cap.’s or 75 drops of tincture, 2 x daily, 30 min. before meals.
31 – 44 Kg – take 1 – 2 cap.’s or 60 drops of tincture, 2 x daily, 30 min. before meals.
21 – 30 Kg – take 1 – 2 cap.’s or 45 drops of tincture, 2 x daily, 30 min. before meals.
Under 20 Kg – take 1 capsule, 2 x daily, or 30 drops of tincture, 30 min. before meals.
As a general rule: take the capsules or tincture with a glass of water, ½ hour before a meal.
If taking cap.’s with meals, take them 1/2 way through the meal and use only minimal water to swallow the cap.’s, at the time.
CONTENTS: Black Cohosh, Blue-flowered Sage, Celandine, Mullein, Rue, Rosemary, Schisandra, Thyme and Wilde Als. Plus a version of the Absorb-upTM Formula – a herbal blend individually formulated to assist the absorption, enhance the direction and magnify the energetics of this remedy.
PRECAUTIONS / CONTRA-INDICATIONS: This remedy is not to be used in pregnancy. If you have symptoms of excess dryness, then take together with moistening remedies such as Moisten and Soothe (#37).
CO-FACTORS: Other natural medicines that assist or promote the action of this remedy are: Lung Strengthen (#24) and Resist and Recover (#43).
An increasing sense of freedom.
Feeling refreshed.
Feeling expansive.
Balancing pressure with release.
The return of meaning and depth to life.
A healthy sense of “I” and high self-esteem.
Regaining the sense of our correct rhythm and place within life.
A feeling of increasing abundance, both emotional and material.