

Ingredients: Berberis, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Milk Thistle, Pau d’arco, Potassium and Boron. Plus a version of the "Absorb-upTM" Formula – a herbal blend individually formulated to assist the absorption, enhance the “direction” and magnify the energetics of this remedy.

Treatment for: To clear fungal / yeast / mould infestations, in particular and to a lesser extent bacterial, amoebic, viral and other parasitic infestations. Reduce infection, fever and inflammation. Antidote poisons and clear toxins.

Delivery to South Africa Nationwide.

Uses and Benefits

Yeast / mould / fungal infections, including Candidiasis, ringworm, athlete’s foot and groin rash. Rectal, oral, vaginal or penile thrush. Abdominal bloating, gasiness and discomfort.
Joint and muscle soreness or swelling. Dizziness or “fuzzy-headedness”. Poor concentration, memory and willpower… even chronic depression. Hypersensitivity to foods and smells. Allergies, leading to skin eruptions, asthma or bronchitis. Sinusitis, post nasal drip and hayfever. Menstrual irregularities and discomfort.

ENERGETIC PROPERTIES: COOL. DRY. Bitter. Astringent. Decongesting. Stabilising. Stimulating. Restoring.

DOSAGE: This is based on your body mass (weight) and severity of symptoms, as follows:
Mass: Dose:
Over 80 Kg – take 3 – 4 cap.’s, 3 x daily, 15 – 30 min. before meals.
60 – 80 Kg – take 2 – 4 cap.’s, 2 – 3 x daily, 15 – 30 min. before meals.
40 – 60 Kg – take 2 – 3 cap.’s, 2 x daily, 15 – 30 min. before meals.
31 – 40 Kg – take 1 – 2 cap.’s, 3 x daily, 15 – 30 min. before meals.
21 – 30 Kg – take 1 – 2 cap.’s, 2 x daily, 15 – 30 min. before meals.

As a general rule: take the capsules with 1 – 2 glasses of water, ½ hour before each meal.
If taking cap.’s with meals, take them 1/2 way through the meal and use only minimal water to swallow the cap.’s, at the time.

CONTENTS: Berberis, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Milk Thistle, Pau d’arco, Potassium and Boron. Plus a version of the “Absorb-upTM” Formula – a herbal blend individually formulated to assist the absorption, enhance the “direction” and magnify the energetics of this remedy.

PRECAUTIONS / CONTRA-INDICATIONS: This remedy is not to be used by pregnant women. Not for long term use by those with symptoms of excess dryness, unless taken together with moistening remedies such as no. 37.

CO-FACTORS: The replacement of intestinal flora (Acidophilus Lactobacillus, Bifidus and other) is suggested for a week following a course of this remedy – as a precautionary measure.

No longer being “defeatist” or “negative” in outlook. Not being over-defensive.
Greater immunity to attack or criticism. Taking things less personally.
Knowing what you want. Able to say “no” when necessary. Developing a healthier self-esteem. Freeing yourself from parasitic relationships. Establishing healthier boundaries in relationships. No longer pretending to agree with others when you don’t. No longer responsible for the moods, opinions and behaviour of others.
Not afraid to air your views and opinions. Standing up for your truth despite criticism or disagreement. No longer taken for granted. Not compromising on your truth. Increased courage and a greater sense of purpose.